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Monday, July 23, 2012

Juice Fast.... day 3!

Well, I did it! I actually finished the Juice Fast! I woke up this morning 1.5lbs lighter than when I started. May not sound by much, but I usually lose .5-1 lbs a week. It's hard for me to lose weight, so 1.5lbs in 3 days is great! The weird thing is, last night I was starving....this morning, I didn't feel like eating anything at all. I made myself eat some oatmeal, then I didn't eat anything again until 330 pm...and only because my friend Rose pretty much bullied me into it. I knew I had to eat, but part of me was terrified of putting any weight back on.
Another nice effect of the cleanse...I didn't feel like taking a nap today. Usually I HAVE to take a nap when I come home from work, but today...I just didn't. I also didn't sneeze the first two hours of the day (allergies) like I normally would have.
Overall, I'm glad I did the 3 day fast and I'm proud of myself for finishing it. I will definetely do the 3 day fast again. I will definitely NOT do a 10 day or longer fast. I was miserable most of the 3 days, and I see no reason to put myself through it for any longer than 3 days.
What we DID decide is that we're going to try to eat a more plant-based diet. We're pretty healthy eaters most of the time, but we still have some sort of meat for dinner every night. After we come back from our little trip, I'll be cooking vegetarian dinners 3-4 days a week, and meat dishes 1-2 days a week .  We are also going to continue juicing...at least once a day.

That's all for today, I'll just leave you with this:

Never doubt yourself. Never think you're not capable of doing something. You can do anything if you make your mind strong enough.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Juice Fast - Day 2

So...I didn't post last night. I was in such a crabby mood, I'm sure no one would have wanted to read what I had to say anyway. So this morning I'm posting about yesterday, Day 2 of the Juice Fast. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go here:


Day 2 was NOT a good day. I was sick of juice, I was lightheaded (probably because I wasn't drinking enough juice, but I really couldn't face anymore), and when I stepped on the scale that morning the scale showed me THREE POUNDS heavier than the morning before. Now, I should never have stepped on the scale in the first place....I know that. I know that weight fluctuates daily, that I'm putting my body through something rigorous, that bodies react in different ways and that I should have waited until the morning after day 3 to weigh. I knew that, but I still stepped on the scale. And I was still incredibly discouraged. I was crabby all morning, was complaining to my husband for too long....and I know I was making myself a pain in the butt. So, I shook it off and just keep going. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I did the cleanse in large part for weight l0ss...but I know the real reason to do a cleanse is detox. And I kept going. At some point during the day I did eat a raw sliced tomato and three grapes...but the reboot guide has a list of things to eat if you HAVE to. So I'm ok with that. The weird feeling of desperation went away as the day went on. I didn't even feel tempted to eat something even after the hubby went to starbucks and got himself a latte. And I made it through the day. I miss my workouts but I just didn't have the energy. I also desperately miss Shakeology, but I know I get to have it tomorrow so I can wait. It's funny how yesterday I was craving all of these things I haven't craved in a while - cheeseburgers, pizza, cake...but today I don't really crave anything. I'm just looking forward to eat real food tomorrow.

That's all for now, tomorrow I'll write about day 3!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Juice Fast!! Day 1

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been gone for a while...things have been incredibly hectic over on my side of the world. There have been so many things going on and I could go on forever about good and bad stuff...but I won't. For the next 3 days, I'm going to blog about my personal experience with my 3 day "Reboot" juice fast. Have you ever heard of juicing? If you haven't, I STRONGLY recommend you watch this movie:


It's about 90 minutes long, and you can watch it online for free. If you have netflix, you can also watch it on netflix instant play. It's seriously a life-changing, eye-opening movie.

Anyway, a while back the hubby and I watched the movie and decided to do a juice fast. We lasted less than two days. As much as I LOVE Beachbody products and Shakeology, juicing seemed to be on a whole other level. I kept wanting to try to do the fast again, but I was two scared. Finally, the hubby and I decided to try again...just for 3 days, over a weekend when we wouldn't be tempted. So, yesterday I went out and bought $50 worth of fruits and veggies, and today we began.

So here goes. Day One.

Today was horrible. I'm not gonna lie. I had juice for breakfast and made the mistake of juicing Kale (which is amazing for you...but if you're not used to the taste, do NOT put it in juice) which made the drink just nasty. I packed more juice for lunch but couldn't bring myself to drink it because I knew the kale was in there. I drove around for work for a while, and was amazed that I didn't just stop somewhere and get food. I wasn't HUNGRY, but I wanted FOOD sooooo badly. I wanted to eat everything in sight. Luckily, after work I went out with my friend Scott to a great museum exhibit. He gave me a big bottle of ice cold water which kept me busy.

After, I came home to find my hubby already here. I made a huge batch of veggie juice and a huge batch of fruit juice to drink tonight and tomorrow morning. As of this time, I've had about 10 almonds (I had to, it was that or freaking out and going through a drive thru), juice and a lot of water. And I'm feeling good. Tomorrow's supposed to be when detox symptoms start to get bad, so we'll see! I'm excited to actually finish this. I'm mostly blogging about it to keep myself accountable :-D.

Have you ever juiced? Or fasted? What has your experience been?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Facing my Fears

Those of you that know me REALLY well know I'm a fraidy cat. I'm really clumsy, and I don't trust my own body at all when it comes to physical challenges. I'm always afraid of going up/down anything steep, or walking in anything slippery. When I went to Iceland a few months ago I did a lot of stuff I never thought I would (I'll post about Iceland later), but nothing too strenuous.
This weekend I faced a huge fear. The hubby told me on Wednesday he wanted to go hiking this weekend, and I just thought, cool, I like easy hikes. What he didn't tell me, until the night before, is WHICH hike we were doing. We ended up driving 3 hours to the town of Glenwood Springs and staying the night so we could do this trail. By the time he told me what we were doing, the room was already booked and we HAD to go.
We did the Hanging Lake Trail in Glenwood Canyon. While it was a short hike (1.5 miles each way), it was STEEP. A 1000 foot incline in those 1.5 miles. And the terrain was very, very rocky. Of course, as soon as he told me which trail he wanted to do I looked it up, and was immediately terrified. Even experience hikers in excellent shape called it a "challenging" hike. Even though I'm in better shape than I was, I'm NO WAY in shape for strenuous hikes. Or so I thought.

I was pretty much terrified the whole night before and up until the hike began. The trail was crowded, and I saw quite a few people turning back. After the first 1/4 mile, I wanted to turn back. I was short of breath, uncomfortable and terrified of slipping and hurting myself. The hubby told me he wouldn't force me to keep going, but I could tell he'd be disappointing if I didn't finish. So I pushed through. It was one of the hardest things I've done. I was constantly out of breath, my legs where shaking and I had to keep taking breaks. I wasn't the only one. People everywhere were stopping...but they were mostly older people. There were plenty of athletic looking young people that just kept going as if it wasn't hard at all. At about the halfway mark, I was exhausted and shaky, but I was almost halfway done...I figured I had to keep going or I'd never forgive myself. For some reason, the last 1/4 mile was the easiest to do, even though it was the steepest part. I think it was the knowledge that I was almost there. The top of the hike, the Hanging Lake, was gorgeous and totally worth the hike.
The way down was scary, but not as bad as I thought. While I was short of breath and tired on the way up, I wasn't THAT scared of falling. On the way down, before I started heading down, I was terrified. I was convinced I would slip while scrambling down from the top, or on one of the slippery patches and fall and hit my head.
But none of that happened. I've apparently gotten more confident, because I was able to make it all the way down without incident (and I only asked the hubby to hold my hand for like 5 minutes of it).
Three hours after the begining of the hike, we were back down at the car and headed for the hotel. And I have never been prouder of myself.
 Never be afraid to face your fears. The feeling that you get when you accomplish something you thought impossible is priceless.

This was the trail!    ------->