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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

Hey everyonee...I know I've been absent forever and I have no excuse! After the juice fast, we went on  vacation and ate way too much..... and then work got the best of me...but I'm back and commited to posting at LEAST 2 times a week. Anyway, this past weekend I did the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse (to make up for the San Diego Food damage). It's one I've done before (and I'll include the instructions at the end of the post, in case you want to try it), and I've been successful before. For some reason, though, this last weekend was the HARDEST one I've ever done. Even harder than the juice fast, and that's kind of ridiculous since I actually got to EAT every day on the Shakeology Cleanse.
I'll start out by describing what it is. Basically you have 3 plain Shakeologies a day, 2 pieces of fruit (optional) and 3 servings of green veggies with 4oz of lean white meat for dinner. It's actually a great cleanse, especially for beginners, because you get to eat! I've completed this cleanse twice before. The first time I lost over six pounds! The second time I lost 3. And I didn't gain that weight back, so it wasn't water weight!

This time, I made a few mistakes, but two major ones: I worked all three days and it was "that time of the month".

Day 1
I weighed myself and was at 198.8 (not surprising...I gained some weight in San Diego while on vacation PLUS it's that time of the month).  I made it my goal to weigh 195 by the end of the cleanse. I told myself, I can lose 3 lbs. I've done it before. So with that goal in mind, I committed myself to seeing it through. Luckily I had my awesome friend and coach Rose doing it with me, so I had some accountability. Day 1 wasn't that hard...it was my day off work, so I had my two shakes during the day,  had some fruit, then had an amazing dinner of shredded brussels sprouts and tilapia, followed by the last shake as a snack. Easy peasy. I felt like I was on top of the world! Kind of had a headache towards the end of the day, but cleanses usually do that to me. It just means my body is detoxing.

Day 2
Woke up with a headache. A bad one. It was my working weekend, though, so I took 4 tylenol and drove off to work. I made sure to take fruit with me and my second shake, but I was still starving all day. Also, the headache did not get better AND I was incredibly moody. Like, I felt sorry for my husband moody. I'm pretty sure that was more PMS than anything. I went home and just had some cold pre-cooked chicken strips and some microwaved vegetables. I was too moody and tired to actually cook. I didn't drink my third shake (BIG MISTAKE) because I just wanted to go to bed. So I did...at 9 pm.

Day 3
No more headache but I had NO energy and I felt weak all day. Work was really hard. I was hungry ALL the time (although now that I look back on it, I realize I wasn't actually physically hungry...I just WANTED food). I felt so hungry at one point that I had a little wafer cookie a patient offered me. When I came home I didn't want to do anything so I microwaved some veggies again and ate pre-cooked chicken strips...again. I pretty much just wanted the whole thing to be over. I went to bed pretty grumpy. I remember telling Rose that if I didn't weigh 195 the next morning SOMEONE was going to get it. Lol.

Morning of Day 4 - Cleanse is over!

Woohoo!! I did it! I was so freakin happy this morning! I lost a total of 4 lbs! Despite that little wafer cookie I had!. Totally worth it, and I will probably do it again.
So, here is what I learned this time around:
-I will never, ever again cleanse while on my period. PMS and Detoxing do NOT mix well.
-I WILL NEVER SKIP A SHAKE AGAIN. This is huge. I know part of the reason I felt crappy day 3 was because I skipped the last shake on day 2. My body needed the nutrition!
-I will only cleanse over a weekend when I do NOT work. Cleansing on work days is not cool. Day 1 was easy because I basically lounged around the house all day. The rest of the days were super hard because I was detoxing, hormonal AND had long work days.
-Next time, I will prep my dinners beforehand and freeze them so I can just pop them in the microwave. That way I'll have a yummy dinner even if I have no energy to cook.
All in all, I'm pretty sure I'm going to do this again. I lost more weight with this than with the juice fast, and it's easier because I get to eat real food! Here's the cleanse, in case anyone's interested:

If any of you want to try this you can find more info about shakeology, and order it, HERE 
If you want to read my previous post all about Shakeology, you can see it HERE 

Thanks for reading! Come back Wednesday to hear about my first few days doing Insanity! (I start tomorrow!)

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